
当你更新你的家庭保险政策, you may think you can send in a payment or continue the same policy and plan without updates. 情况就是这样,但这并不意味着你应该这样做. There are plenty of benefits to updating your policy to ensure it better reflects your individual needs. 

在澳博app下载, 我们的客户遍布澳博app下载, NV, and the surrounding areas to ensure their home insurance meets their specific needs. 在你更新之前,有几件事要记住.


Before you renew your home insurance policy, take a closer look at these recommendations:

  • 你有足够的内容覆盖率吗? 如果你在去年买了什么有价值的东西, 升级你的内容覆盖率可能是有价值的. 这将确保你有足够的,如果有一个事件,如火灾. 
  • 你的政策是否反映了今天的房屋成本和价值? The cost to rebuild a home today may be more than it was when you initially established your home insurance policy. 一定要更新你的保险范围.
  • 你的家庭生活安排改变了吗? 如果你加了一只宠物, 游泳池, 或者对你的家有其他风险, 一定要让你的保险代理人知道这一点. 

当它符合你的特殊需求时,家庭保险是非常有价值的. Make sure you read through your coverage to ensure that is the case before you renew.


当你联系澳博app下载关于你在澳博app下载的家庭保险, NV, 您将获得最新的信息和价格,以满足您当前的需求.


作为内华达州澳博app下载的房主,拥有澳博app下载是必不可少的. 然而, many myths surrounding home insurance can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect decisions. 澳博app下载 will debunk some of the most common home insurance myths and provide valuable information to help you make informed decisions about your coverage.


神话# 1: 家庭保险包括所有类型的损害.

事实: 而澳博app下载涵盖了许多类型的损害, 比如火, 风暴, 还有水渍, 它并没有涵盖一切. 例如, 标准保单通常不包括洪水造成的损失, 地震, 以及故意损害行为. Full coverage may require additional policies, such as flood and earthquake insurance.

神话# 2: 家庭保险太贵了.

事实: 虽然家庭保险费可能会很昂贵, they are much cheaper than replacing or repairing your home after a disaster. 有很多方法可以降低你的保费, 比如增加你的免赔额, 将你的保单与其他类型的保险捆绑在一起, 并在家中实施安全功能.

神话# 3: 你只需要支付你的抵押贷款.

事实: 你的抵押贷款公司可能需要足够的保险来支付你的抵押贷款, but that does not necessarily mean you have sufficient coverage for your needs. 你应该考虑你财产的实际价值, 更换成本, 责任保险, and potential hazards in your area when determining how much coverage you need. Don’t underestimate the value of your possessions, as they can also be covered under your policy.


首页 insurance can provide valuable protection and peace of mind for homeowners in Las Vegas, NV. 通过避免这些误解并与澳博app下载合作, 你可以确保你有合适的保险范围来满足你的需求和预算.


澳博app下载对内华达州的房主来说是必不可少的. 首页owners who want to protect their homes from natural disasters and theft should get this vital coverage.  


  1. 被自然灾害破坏或摧毁的房屋, 比如地震或野火, 是否有资格获得政府援助以支付维修费用.
  2. 首页owners subject to vandalism or theft should obtain coverage to protect against loss.
  3. 在犯罪率高的地区,建议购买家庭保险, 陷入困境的社区, 并靠近繁忙的街角,以防止损坏.


首页 insurance costs vary based on the policy you select and the neighborhood where you live.


家庭保险费用因各种因素而异, 包括你房子的大小和年龄, 您选择的保险范围, 你住在哪里.


在大多数情况下,房主保险是由州法律要求的. 如果你住在自然灾害频发或犯罪率高的地区, 建议额外投保.

澳博app在澳博app下载在澳博app下载, NV for more information about what kind of coverage is recommended for your specific situation.


不要被发现没有家庭保险! Finding an affordable insurance policy is as easy as contacting a trusted insurance agent. Our team of licensed insurance agents at Leo 保险 is here to help Las Vegas, NV area homeowners choose the best home insurance coverage options for their needs.


When you purchase a home you probably know you need to also purchase home insurance for it, 但是哪一种呢?? 是的,存在不止一种类型的澳博app下载.

你在市场上可以找到八种家庭保险. You’d purchase a different type of policy to cover a condo than a newly built home or an RV. 关于后者, 你会发现两种选择——一种是你用房车旅行, 另一种情况是你全职住在里面.

你必须为你的房子选择合适的保险类型, 否则, 如果你需要索赔的话, 你的保单将无效. 这时你需要打电话给澳博app下载服务澳博app下载,内华达州. We can help you determine which type of homeowner’s or renter’s policy you need and help you obtain it.

如果你买了房子, 你要么需要一份标准的房主保险, 居住政策, 或者一份涵盖主要风险或所有风险的房主保单. 如果你买的是历史悠久或建筑风格重要的房子, 你会选择历史上的家庭保险. 如果你买的是共管公寓或公寓,你会选择共管公寓保险, 但如果你买的是第五轮车或房车,就需要购买房车保险.

首页 insurance also provides an option for those who rent, called renter’s insurance. 它只包括你的财产和你的责任.
You might want to save as much money as possible, but home insurance is not the place to cut corners. Six major perils create the difference between major peril and all-peril coverage. 他们中的任何一个都能摧毁你的家.

联络澳博app下载 serving Las Vegas, NV today to learn more about home insurance. 让我们帮助您为您的家庭选择理想的保险.


Buying a home for the first time can be one of the most memorable moments in your life. It is usually connected to other major life decisions such as having children, 结婚, 或者搬离父母的家. 除了冗长的文书工作, 有很多谈判, 检查, 还有要做的财务准备. That’s why 澳博app下载 encourages the discussion of buying home insurance to protect your investment.  Here are a few tips to get you started and help you learn more about buying home insurance.


如果你是第一次买房, 很有可能你也是第一次购买澳博app下载. Before making any purchases, you may want to go the extra mile and conduct enough research. 熟悉你的澳博app下载, NV neighborhood and know some of the most common home insurance claims in the area.


Even though you might have bought the house at a lower or higher price than the market value, 知道你房子的真正价值是至关重要的. You can check with an assessor or local builder who can give you an accurate home value. 你最不想要的就是为一所房子投保高于其价值的保险. Keep an updated inventory of your personal belongings to be recorded during the insurance purchase. This makes it easier to prove ownership to your insurance company when filing a claim.


意外随时可能发生,而大自然有时是不可预测的. That’s why most mother nature perils are not covered in a home insurance policy. Check what is covered in your approach and make sure it matches with your insurance needs and risks.

Don’t ignore your insurance purchase to the last minute; there is a lot more to home insurance than just signing several papers. 联络澳博app下载 for more tips on buying home insurance for the first time.